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Health Fitness, and Wellness

Holmz provides an affordable mobile gait and performance lab, location services, and gait signature assessment. Adding other data sources such as heart rate and glucose monitors, motion sensors, oximeters, and other wearables/IoT devices extends Holmz’s capability.

Being data source agnostic and having the ability to create digital selves, Holmz can support many applications of which a few are discussed in this section.

Reach out to us if you have an application in mind that isn’t on our website. Odds are we are working it.


CES Digital Physical Therapy

Holmz, as a Cognitive Expert System (CES) supports physical therapists acting as a virtual peer providing insights, recommendations, and rationale so the physical therapist can make meaningful adjustments to a patient’s recovery plan.

Holmz provides the physical therapist and patient feedback regarding patient adherence, quality, effectiveness of treatment and potential risks from lifestyle activities so the physical therapist can intervene outside of clinical visits improving outcomes and reducing readmission rates.


Physical therapists can’t measure patient adherence and lifestyle effects on patient recovery.

Patients do not know when their form is degrading or they are over-exerting themselves putting their recovery at risk.

Injury Prevention & Management

Holmz can predict repetitive stress/over-exertion injuries. Married with the appropriate suite of wearables, Holmz provides whole body or regional early warning and mitigation strategies including root cause identification.

Holmz provides biofeedback, alerts, and notifications to users letting them know when they are at risk of a repetitive stress/over-exertion injury, recommends changes in their form, level and type of activities, and provides adaptive training plans to avoid or mitigate the injury offering his rationale.

Image by Freepik


In the workforce, over-exertion injuries cost industry almost $18B.

35M musculoskeletal injuries (MSKI) per year averaging 12 lost workdays for a total of 364M lost workday with an average cost of $30K per incident.

Liberty Mutual 2021 Safety Index; BMUS; National Safety Council


Noncombat MSKIs account for some 80% of Warfighter injuries and 65% of medically non-deployable Warfighters 78% of males & 85% of females are discharged due to MSKIs.

Military Medicine; BMUS


College sports MSKI’s cost over $500M/year averaging 10 lost days per injury.

High school sports MSKI’s cost over $5.4B/year. 24% required 3-6 days and 23% required ≥ 22 days before return-to-play.

PBS; Forbes; BMUS; Journal of Athletic Training

Fall Prediction & Management

Holmz predicts falls. Using the appropriate suite of wearables, Holmz can provide biofeedback, alerts, and notifications to an individual letting them know when they are at risk of a fall, identify root causes, recommend changes in their form, intensity and duration of activities, and provide adaptive training plans to avoid or reduce fall and injury risk.

Holmz shares alerts and notifications with others based on the user’s sharing profile. The user decides what is shared, with whom, under what circumstances, and for how long. Holmz actively manages these perishable connections so the user is always aware of how their information is being shared.


One senior dies every hour from fall related injuries increasing to 7 seniors dying every hour by 2030. Senior falls cost approximately $50B per year where 95% of hip fractures are due to falls.



Fall and slip related injuries cost industry over $33B or some $58K per injury.

National Safety Council; Liberty Mutual 2021 Safety Index


Falls accounted for 43% of injuries overall for all ages.

13% of injuries from a fall needed ER treatment & hospitalization.


Performance Management

Holmz provides an affordable mobile performance and gait lab and virtual coach/trainer giving everyone, including elite athletes, access to real time insights, recommendations, and root cause assessments.

Holmz takes a longitudinal approach providing real time data interpretation and feedback with evidence based rationale. Holmz creates a personalized digital self consisting of musculoskeletal, physiological, and psychometric components.

Holmz provides easy access to previously unobtainable data, insights, and recommendations enabling a user’s support network of physicians, trainers and coaches to assess how lifestyle affects the user’s performance should the user chose to share that data.


It is very difficult to identify applicants that and successfully endure the rigors of basic training. Many borderline applicants are overlooked because there is no method for improving their performance in preparation for basic training.


Winning in sports is about collecting and interpreting data. The amount of data is growing exponentially overwhelming trainers and coaches.

It’s difficult to translate this data into readiness-to-play due to subjective data elements and data gaps such as the impact of lifestyle.

Anecdote; presentations by Manchester United; medical advisory board


Subjectivity, periodic sampling and or small sample groups makes accurately evaluating workplace repetitive stress/over-exertion injury risk and readiness-to-work more art than science leading to high worker compensation costs and unnecessary lost work days.

Anecdote; discussions with chief risk officers at liberty mutual, chick-fil-a, and WA L&I

Prosthetic Optimization

Holmz monitors a user’s musculoskeletal performance assessing the impact of a prosthetic on the user providing insights, recommendations, and rationale for adjusting the prosthetic to reduce the risk of repetitive stress/over-exertion injuries and improve overall musculoskeletal performance.

Holmz provides prosthetists data, insights, recommendations, and rationale regarding prosthetic and musculoskeletal performance, lifestyle impact, and root causes while providing users with biofeedback, alerts, and notifications regarding their risk of repetitive stress/over-exertion injuries.

Holmz can also design 3D printable insoles broadening the range of shoes that can be used with a prosthetic without requiring recalibration.


Prosthetics need frequent recalibration, usually by a prosthetist. Limited information regarding the cause of a mis-alignment leads to a subjective trial and error approach reducing the frequency of recalibration. This can have negative collateral impacts on the user’s musculoskeletal health.

Source: UW Prosthetist interview


There is no way to quantify the effect of a prosthetic on a user’s overall biomechanical health.

Typically tuned to a specific shoe, there is little flexibility for accommodating other shoes than the one used during the fitting process.

Source: UW Prosthetist interview


Optimizing and maintaining lower extremity prosthetic performance is an ongoing challenge. Tuning the prosthetic to a user’s preferred motion and identifying collateral repetitive stress injury risk is very difficult.

Source: UW Prosthetist interview

Continuous Shoe Fit Assessment

Holmz provides initial shoe fit recommendations based on collecting data about your musculoskeletal performance and the movement of your foot within your shoes. Holmz will recommend alternative shoes and or design custom 3D printable shoe inserts to improve fit.

Holmz provides biofeedback, alerts, notifications, insights, recommendations, and rationale to a user and individuals on a user’s share list with the appropriate sharing profile as foot-shoe performance deteriorates and if there is repetitive stress/over-exertion injury risk including foot ulcerations.

Image by yanalya on Freepik


Poorly fitting shoes affect the health, performance, and readiness-to-play of athletes.

It is impossible with current technology to optimize shoe fit and understand how foot-shoe-terrain interaction and shoe wear affects athlete musculoskeletal health and performance.


Poorly fitting shoes affect the health, performance and readiness-to-work of workers who are in physically active roles.

It is impossible with current technology to optimize shoe fit and understand how foot-shoe-terrain interaction and shoe wear affects worker musculoskeletal health and performance.


Poorly fitting shoes affects Warfighter health, performance, and readiness-to-fight.

It is impossible with current technology to optimize shoe fit and understand how foot-shoe-terrain interaction and shoe wear affects Warfighter musculoskeletal health and performance.


Holmz monitors, analyzes, and assesses a person’s gait signature to determine if a user is feeling unsafe whether an employee, patient, student, senior, athlete or person just wanting a safety net. Coupled with the appropriate sensors Holmz can monitor and alert users of potential health risks like repetitive stress/over-exertion injuries.

Holmz automatically reaches out to the individual to see if they are safe, provide biofeedback and, if needed, notify emergency contacts and emergency services.

Holmz location services accuracy is 1 meter/kilometer without using GPS, cellular or WiFi. Holmz uses an XAI enabled attitude heading reference system (AHRS) similar to that used in commercial aircraft to keep track of a person’s location for the purpose of notifying emergency contacts and emergency services.


Monitoring lone worker health and safety is both a technical challenge and costly. Current systems don’t monitor worker health, prevent repetitive stress/over-exertion injuries, predict falls or respond to potential external threats.

Image by Freepik


Over 50% of caregivers are untrained family members trying to juggle work, family, and caregiving. One of the leading causes of caregiver and professional burnout is the ability to balance work-life and meet the increasing and unpredictable needs of the senior.

Caregiver.org; AMA; AARP


There is always a risk of injury, being stranded in remote areas or in between support services. Delays can change expected arrival times worrying family members.

Current systems don’t athlete health, prevent repetitive stress/over-exertion injuries, predict falls or notify emergency contacts and emergency services.

PTSD & Anxiety Management

Holmz monitors, analyzes, and assesses a person’s gait signature, movements, and, when available, other vital signs to determine if a person has increasing anxiety and mobility challenges to predict the risk of an outburst or panic attack. Holmz notifies the individual and emergency contacts of a potential event so that the individual and emergency contacts can take steps to avoid or mitigate the event and increase the individual’s awareness so they can more effectively recognize and manage events.

Holmz also uses this same technology to monitor the musculoskeletal performance of individuals with conditions that have musculoskeletal symptoms such as Parkinson’s disease. This enables Holmz to assist doctors in determining when to change a patient’s medications.

Image by Freepik


Predicting and mitigating an emotional event resulting from anxiety or other conditions such as autism can be challenging. Recognizing the early signals and their precursors can result in effectively managing panic attacks and outbursts.

Image by Freepik


Understanding which Parkinson’s drug to use and when in order to optimize efficacy is subjective and very individual.

informed health.org IQWiG


Predicting and mitigating an emotional event resulting from PTSD can be challenging. Recognizing the early signals and their precursors can be difficult but doing so can result in effectively managing panic attacks and outbursts.

Want to learn more about how Holmz can help you?